



材料:                                                                  Ingredients:
新鲜非洲鱼:1条,片出两片鱼肉:600g;          600g boneless white fish fillets
牛番茄:8个;                                                  10 tomatoes
洋葱1个,切成碎末;                                         1 big onion (shelled)
鱼高汤:500g;                                                 500g fish stock
红葡萄酒:100毫升;                                        100ml red wine

调味料:                                                            Seasoning: (to taste)
牛油30g;                                                              30g butter
盐4小匙;                                                           4 tsp salt
糖3小匙;                                                           3 tsp sugar
胡椒粉2小匙;                                                   2 tsp black pepper
巴西里1小匙;                                                    1 tsp parsley
九层塔1小把;                                                    little bit of basil leaf


Fish stock:
1 set of fish bone and fish head; 
1 big onion (shelled);
700ml water.
1. 将非洲鱼洗净沥干水,如图中所示用刀将两面的鱼肉片下来,鱼肉放入碗中备用;
2. 将鱼高汤所需材料全部加入锅中,大火煮开水后,转微小火盖上盖熬煮25分钟成鱼高汤;

1. use short strokes and gently pull the flesh away from the bones at the same time. you will need to hold the knife almost parallel to the fish.
2. on reaching the tail of the fish, cut across to release the fillet. It should come away in one piece. Check for any stray bones that shouldn't be there.
3. turn the fish over and repeat the same procedure on the other side.
4. add the fish bone and fish head to the stockpot;
5. pour in the water to cover the fish and onion;
6.place the stockpot onto a high heat and bring to boil. 
7.remove the scum that forms on the surface with a spoon and discard. reduce the heat, covered and continue to simmer for at least 25 minutes;

3. 将番茄洗净后用开水烫, 去皮、去籽,切成丁状;
4. 锅中加入2大匙葵花油,加入洋葱丁中火翻炒至半透明,并香气出来;
5. 将所有番茄丁加入翻炒均匀;

8. use your knife to make one elongated slit down the tomato;
9. boil the tomatoes for about 30-40 seconds in boiling water,dish and rinse in cold water;
10. peel off all skins and remove tomato seeks;
11. slice your tomatoes into half-inch or smaller chunks;
12. heat up 2 tbsp oil, saute chopped onion until fragrant;
13. add in tomatoes and stir-fry for 2minutes;

6. 接着放入鱼肉,倒入鱼高汤和红葡萄酒;
7. 最后加入盐、糖、胡椒粉中火煮至沸腾后,立刻转小火盖上锅盖,小火煨7分钟;
8. 打开锅盖,捞出鱼肉放入盘中,加入两汤匙的汤汁,盖上盖子,放入一边备用;

14. add in fish fillets 、fish stock and red wine;
15. add salt、sugar、and black pepper and bring to boil,lower fire, covered, and continue to simmer for 7 minutes;
16. removed the cover, dish up the fish fillets and put onto a plate, spoon some sauce over the fish fillets, set a side;

9. 在原锅中汤汁中加入牛油,以中小火继续熬煮5分钟;
10. 取出前加入巴西里和九层塔叶煮2分钟即可,淋在步骤8中的鱼肉上就可以享用了.

17. add butter in to the sauce, lower heat and continue simmer for 5 minutes;
(to taste the sauce, see whether need to add any more salt or sugar or not.)
18. sprinkle some parsley and basil leaf on top, boil for another 2 minutes, pour into fish fillets, serve hot.

2 条评论:

  1. I came back again to look at your soup hah..hah...Very good Western style soup with lots of tomatoes. Hmmm...got wine also...very falvourful, very fragrant......

  2. Phong Hong,
    Thank you for your words of encouragement :D
    hahaha,as what you see 'a lot of tomatoes',
    yeah, I am cooking tomatoes as much as possible and nearly every day hahaha.

    because,i am going back China tomorrow.
    so just make sure no any vegetables that are left in the fridge.
    well, dear Phong Hong,i will miss you,
    and continue my posts after two weeks:)
