


pumpkin glutinous peanut balls

Welcome to my Sunny Day (^-^)

1. 炒香花生:400克,去皮,压碎;
1. 400g toasted peanuts, removed skin, grounded;

2. 南瓜,水滚后,大火蒸20分钟,乘热压成泥状;
3. 芝麻,锅中不放油,小火直接翻炒,直至金黄即可;

2. pumpkin,  steam the pumpkin cubes over high heat for about 20mins until soft;
3. toasted sesame seeds;

4.      熟花生碎:  400;                   5.糯米粉:400克;                          6.南瓜泥加入糯米粉中,
          熟芝麻:     50克;                        南瓜块:蒸好,取出400克;          不加水,揉成不粘手的 面团,待用;
          黄糖:        190克;                                                                        
          新鲜椰丝: 400克;
          姜:            30克,切细丝;
          清水:          200克.
          盐:             半小匙.

 4. toasted peanut powder:400g;             5.glutinous rice flour: 400g;                         6.Skin: mix step5
     toasted sesame seeds: 50g;                   mashed pumpkin:400g;                              into soft dough.
     grated coconut: 400;
     ginger: 30g shredded;
     water: 200ml;
     salt: 1/2 tsb

7. 锅中加入清水和黄糖,以小火慢慢煮溶;
8. 加入姜丝,把姜味小火逼出来,约4-5分钟;
9. 依序加入椰丝,花生碎,芝麻,盐,中小火,翻炒7-8分钟, 炒熟,炒香,放凉备用.
(做到这步的时候,我舀一汤匙放入嘴里,试一下味道,“喔,I am in heaven~~~ ” )

7.  cook sugar,water and ginger into syrup, with small fire, about 4 to 5 mins;
8. add step 4 : grated coconut, toasted peanut powder, toasted sesame seeds and salt, cook until dry and fragrant, leave to cool.

10. 步骤6中的南瓜泥,分割成18等份,每份约70克,搓成圆;
11. 粘薄粉;
12. 用拇指在中间按一个小坑; 
13. 两只手托着小泥团,用拇指转圈地捏出一个碗状来;
14. 用汤匙填入步骤9中炒香的馅料,最后用汤匙按紧馅料;
15. 封口,收口处朝下,周身抹上层油,放入小容器中;

10. Divide the pumpkin dough (step 6) into small portions, each of them is about 70g;
11. wrap up filling with skin and form into a round ball;
12. coat generously with little bit of oil before putting into small cup. 

16. 大火蒸15分钟,掀开盖,就那一刹间,好像太阳全都跑到蒸锅里,美得呀!
 16. steam with high heat for about 15 minutes until cooked.
       remove cups and leave to cool, and enjoy yourself.

i love it~

2 条评论:

  1. 真的很金黄色哦!! 我觉得那张卡通最可爱..哈哈哈!!

    1. 蚊子,
      是啊,金黄金黄惹人爱嘛 :D
